Meet the funders..

May 02, 2024

DPTC’s Dr Abigail Pattenden had the privilege of participating in the “Meet the Funders” Session as part of the Bernal Institute, University of Limerick‘s Sustainability event. The session provided valuable insights into the various funding opportunities supporting sustainability research, with engaging discussions led by fellow panelists: Patrick Barrett from DAFM, Aisling McEvoy from Science Foundation Ireland, Lawrence Lee from Enterprise Ireland, and Darragh O’Neill from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ireland.
Our DPTC PIs and researchers also made significant contributions to the Research Week talks: Professor J J Leahy and Dr Matteo Lusi, along with Dr Marzena Kwapińska and Jacky Sorrel Bouanga Boudiombo, delivered compelling presentations on waste valorisation and related topics.

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