Prof. Vivek Ranade


Prof. Vivek Ranade is the Chair Professor of Process Engineering at Bernal Institute in University of Limerick. Vivek leads ‘Multiphase Reactors and Process Intensification’ group. Vivek and his group use experiments, computational flow modelling, reaction engineering and machine learning to generate new insights in multiphase flows, multiphase reactors and process intensification. The group is developing novel fluidic devices, MAGIC (modular, agile, intensified and continuous) processes, soft sensors and ‘factory in a box’ platforms. These innovations and intensification strategies are being used for realising performance enhancement and process intensification towards resource conservation, decarbonisation, mitigation and valorisation of waste (prosperity of planet). Contributions in MAGIC processes, mixing, emulsions, crystallisation and quality by design are being used to realise better health care and nutrition, improved life style, overall wellbeing and personalised products (prosperity of people).
Before moving to Ireland, Vivek led chemical engineering research at CSIR – National Chemical Laboratory (NCL). Vivek has also worked at ETH in Zurich; TU Delft and University of Twente in the Netherlands. He is a recipient of numerous awards including Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar award (highest Indian Scientific award for scientists under 45 years in India) and Swarnajayanti Fellowship of Department of Science and Technology in India. He is a fellow of IChemE UK, Indian National Academy Sciences, Indian National Academy of Engineering and Indian Academy of Sciences.
Vivek has published more than 200 papers, more than 20 patents (granted/ filed) and 9 books. Vivek has Co-founded two technology companies: Tridiagonal Solutions ( and VIVIRA Process Technologies ( Currently he is also a Director at VIVIRA Process Technologies. Vivek is an Associate Editor of ‘Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research’ and Deputy Editor of ‘ACS Engineering Au’.