Prof. Seamus O’Mahony


Dr Seamus O’Mahony is a Lecturer in Food Science in University College Cork and leads the Food Ingredients Research Group which is one of the largest, internationally-recognised, globally-connected, multiple award-winning research groups within the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences in UCC. The research interests of the group are focused on four main platforms: (1) ingredient development and functionality, (2) powder technology and engineering, (3) formulation science and technology and (4) bio-functional food ingredients. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 15 book chapters and edited or co-authored three books over the last ten years. He has secured >€7m in competitively won research funding since joining UCC. He holds an MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and is passionate about this subject. He works closely with the UCC Food Industry Training Unit in developing and delivering research-led training courses for the domestic and international food industry in the areas of dairy chemistry, technology, nutritional ingredients, food formulation and thermal processing.