Prof. Alan Kelly is a graduate of Dublin City University (BSc Biotechnology 1990) and UCC (PhD Food Technology 1995) and is currently a Professor in the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences in University College Cork. His teaching responsibilities include food processing and preservation, dairy product technology and new food product development. In addition, he has served on, or chaired, many committees at School, College and University Level, and is currently Vice-Dean for External Engagement of UCC’s College of Science, Engineering and Food Science. He leads an active research group on the chemistry and processing of milk and dairy products and has published over 300 research papers, review articles and book chapters, along with several books, and supervised over 50 MSc and PhD students to completion; his research involves many national and international collaborations and he has presented at numerous international conferences. He has been an Editor of the International Dairy Journal since 2005 and was awarded the international award of the American Dairy Science Association in 2009.