Dr Sara Pacheco obtained her BEng in Agroindustrial Process Engineering at La Sabana University in Chia, Colombia in 2009. After finishing her BEng, she started an MSc in Food Product Design and Quality Management at Wageningen University in the Netherlands and she finished the research in 2012. In her second year of the degree, she completed her internship at Fonterra in Palmerston North (New Zealand), working in the development of dairy products with high protein content. Once she obtained her MSc, she returned to Bogotá, where she soon started working as Junior Product Developer at the dairy company: Alpina. In 2016, she was granted a scholarship for her PhD studies by COLCIENCIAS, the Colombian National Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation. In February 2017, she arrived in the Netherlands to begin her PhD project on milk fat composition at Food Quality and Design (FQD) Department at Wageningen University and Research. She obtained her PhD in Food Science in October 2021. In May 2022 she started working for Teagasc Food Research Centre in Moorepark as Contract Research Officer.