Dr Jonathan Magan is a Research Officer at the Food Chemistry and Technology Department in Teagasc Moorepark, with previous experience in research and development and quality assurance with Ornua and Lakeland Dairies. A graduate of BSc Food Science at University College Dublin, he completed his PhD research in Dairy Science and Technology with University College Cork, based in Teagasc Moorepark as a Walsh Scholar. His thesis investigated the impact of bovine dietary factors on the composition and functional properties of milk and protein ingredient powder products. His current research is focused on primary production factors and lactational effects within seasonal production systems and their influence on end-product composition and quality.
Physicochemical properties of whole milk powder derived from cows fed pasture or total mixed ration diets https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030219307210
Impact of Bovine Diet on Metabolomic Profile of Skim Milk and Whey Protein Ingredients
Effect of Diet on the Vitamin B Profile of Bovine Milk-Based Protein Ingredients
Compositional and functional properties of milk and dairy products derived from cows fed pasture or concentrate-based diets
Analytical Methods | Heat Stability