Dr Anna Piterina joined the DPTC in September 2015. Anna has >25 years’ postgraduate experience in molecular analytical science, bioengineering and sustainability and programme management within industrial, clinical, academic and educational sectors across the globe. She also holds a Diploma in “Leading the Learning & Development Function programme” by the Irish Institute of Training and Development.
Previously Anna has been a winner of several competitive national and international awards (FP7 EU coordinator grant, ERCSET Industry Academia Partnership fellowship, EMBL European Molecular Biology Organisation fellowship, HEA Postgraduate fellowship). She holds a PhD in Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biochemistry, and during her professional academic career, Anna built her scientific credential by investigating underlying reasons for molecular changes within ecosystems, adaptation to changes and environmental shifts, and uncovering molecular determinants of health and diseases.
Her special interests are visualisation and imaging of biological tissues, cells, interfaces between abiotic and biotic materials. She previously served as Manager of Confocal Microscopy Facility in University of Limerick, worked as Performance Manager at Technology Centre of Biorefinery and Bioenergy in University of Galway, contributed to activities of Collaborative Working Group Integrated Biorefineries EU Standing Committee of Agricultural Research, and led a work package as part of the RENEW Resource Recovery European Network.
In another role as a EU Bio Base NWE an INTERREG IVB project, Anna served as Ireland’s Bio_Innovation Agent and National SME’s Representative. She has achieved more than 40 publications, two patents, and has an H factor of 17.